
検索キーワード「excel formula reference another sheet」に一致する投稿を表示しています

最高のコレクション excel formula sheet name from cell 199505-Excel formula sheet name from cell

 CELL Function in Excel can used to return the information about a cell in an Excel Worksheet The following formula will return the worksheet name, along with the file name and file path =CELL ("Filename,A1") Here, Test is the Sheet Name, Formula to Extract Sheet Namesxlsx is the File Name and F\Excel Trick is the Folder PathThe formulas on the summary tab lookup and extract data from the month tabs, by creating a dynamic reference to the sheet name for each month, where the names for each sheet are the month names in row 4 The VLOOKUP function is used to perform the lookup The formula in cell C5 is = VLOOKUP($B5,INDIRECT("'" & C$4 & "'!" If you want to get the file name, sheet name or path from another cell or workbook, you can use one of the following formulas Instead of "A1" you insert your cell reference Worksheet name (example "Formulas") =RIGHT(CELL("filename",A1),LEN(CELL("filename",A1))SEARCH(